2017 Alberta Golf Tour Tee Sheet

AGT Tour Championship - Round 3 - Sat, August 26
1) Your position on the golf course is DIRECTLY (1 shot) behind the group ahead of you. 2) If you are out of position, you may be put on the clock and may have penalties assessed. See your Rules Sheet for more information. PLAY WELL AND ENJOY YOUR DAY!

Wolf Creek - The Links Course
Time Players
Wolf Creek - The Links Course
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Aaron Warthe (4.7) Airdrie, AB
1:30 PM Black Ken Austin + Kent Richter
Andrew Cook (0.6) Calgary, AB
1:00 PM Black Cody Snethun + Greg Charpentier
Ayaz Kara (18.6) Calgary, AB
1:40 PM Blue Jerry Handford + Stacy Lindberg
Brad Kaughman (14.7) Calgary, AB
2:00 PM Blue Brian Payne + Mark Luchenski
Brian Kelly (11.6) Fort Saskatchewan, AB
1:50 PM Silver Karen Kost + Teresa Greig
Brian Payne (7.8) St. Albert, AB
2:00 PM Silver Brad Kaughman + Mark Luchenski
Charlene Kelly (19.8) Fort Saskatchewan, AB
1:10 PM White Thomas Reid + Tyler Kidd
Chris Patterson (+1.5) Calgary, AB
2:30 PM Black Darren Krause + Sheila Lavender
Clem Lozeau (7.3) Leduc, AB
1:20 PM Silver Fred Zdanowicz + Tom Gramblicka
Cody Snethun (6.7) Buck Lake, AB
1:00 PM Silver Andrew Cook + Greg Charpentier
Criss Phuong Lai (29.7) Lethbridge, AB
2:40 PM Blue Kelly Lane + Maurice Thompson
Darren Krause (6.4) Okotoks, AB
2:30 PM Silver Chris Patterson + Sheila Lavender
Fred Zdanowicz (11.6) Calgary, AB
1:20 PM Blue Clem Lozeau + Tom Gramblicka
Greg Charpentier (3.4) Calgary, AB
1:00 PM Black Andrew Cook + Cody Snethun
Jeff Zabel (8.1) Okotoks, AB
2:10 PM Silver Joe Fink + Ron Smart
Jerry Handford (4.8) Calgary, AB
1:40 PM Silver Ayaz Kara + Stacy Lindberg
Joe Fink (8.8) Sherwood Park, AB
2:10 PM Silver Jeff Zabel + Ron Smart
Karen Kost (11.2) Edmonton, AB
1:50 PM Blue/White Combo Brian Kelly + Teresa Greig
Kelly Lane (5.0) St. Albert, AB
2:40 PM Silver Criss Phuong Lai + Maurice Thompson
Ken Austin (9.7) Red Deer, AB
1:30 PM Silver Aaron Warthe + Kent Richter
Kent Richter (15.9) Edmonton, AB
1:30 PM Blue Aaron Warthe + Ken Austin
Mark Luchenski (13.6) Red Deer, AB
2:00 PM Blue Brad Kaughman + Brian Payne
Maurice Thompson (16.6) Edmonton, AB
2:40 PM Blue Criss Phuong Lai + Kelly Lane
Mike Stewart (23.1) Calgary, AB
2:20 PM Blue Mitz Simonelli + Sandra Schell
Mitz Simonelli (0.4) Airdrie, AB
2:20 PM Black Mike Stewart + Sandra Schell
Ron Smart (24.6) Red Deer, AB
2:10 PM Blue Jeff Zabel + Joe Fink
Sandra Schell (8.8) Big Valley, AB
2:20 PM Blue/White Combo Mike Stewart + Mitz Simonelli
Sheila Lavender (14.4) Sherwood Park, AB
2:30 PM White Chris Patterson + Darren Krause
Stacy Lindberg (9.5) Calgary, AB
1:40 PM Silver Ayaz Kara + Jerry Handford
Teresa Greig (23.1) Big Valley, AB
1:50 PM White Brian Kelly + Karen Kost
Thomas Reid (4.1) Airdrie, AB
1:10 PM Black Charlene Kelly + Tyler Kidd
Tom Gramblicka (6.9) Calgary, AB
1:20 PM Silver Clem Lozeau + Fred Zdanowicz
Tyler Kidd (16.5) Buck Lake, AB
1:10 PM White Charlene Kelly + Thomas Reid